Nathaniel Carter & McSkelly Auctioneers were appointed by Nelson and Colne College in May 2019 to arrange and oversee the sale and disposal of a large number of surplus catering equipment items due to a department closure at our Accrington and Rossendale and Nelson and Colne College campuses.
NCM Auctions delivered in line with their initial presentation and proposal right through to completion of the project, we found Nathaniel Carter & McSkelly Auctioneers professional and courteous throughout. NCM Auctions dealt with all enquiries from prospective purchasers right through to collections.
The return for the college exceeded initial expectations and we are thrilled with the outcome.
Nelson and Colne College are already looking into utilising Nathaniel Carter & McSkelly Auctioneers services for an upcoming project.
Katie Woods, Trainee Procurement Officer, Nelson and Colne College
Accrington and Rossendale College campus / Nelson campus was in need of asset disposal for the entire contents of three commercial training kitchens.
Accrington and Rossendale College campus / Nelson campus had surplus catering equipment to dispose of due to a department closure within the college. They also had surplus catering equipment which needed to be disposed of. They asked NCM Auctions to find a successful solution for both campuses which would generate the college revenue and to also have the space cleared by a specific date, which we promptly did.
NCM Auctions took a solution-driven approach to the situation and systematically dealt with both sites.
NCM Auctions prepared the assets for sale by creating online listings on our partner platform Bidspotter. We prepared detailed descriptions and photographs to attract buyers from across the UK and Europe.
NCM Auctions then began to market the assets through online advertising, magazines and email campaigns to our large database of college asset buyers.
Throughout the online auction, NCM Auctions managed all buyer enquiries, inviting them to the college site to inspect the assets whilst supervising all visits to ensure the security of the assets.
We then worked closely with buyers to remove and transport the assets ensuring compliance with all health and safety regulations.
NCM Auctions facilitated the sale of 99% of Accrington and Rossendale College campus / Nelson campus surplus assets.
We freed up valuable college resources by handling every aspect of the sales process. The auction returned significant capital to the college, generating over £100k from over 250 bidders in just three weeks.